25 Free Ways to Practice Self-Care


Sometimes life can be so busy we often put ourselves on auto-pilot. We lean hard into a routine; wake up, eat, go to work, tend to the children (if you have them) and repeat. We unconsciously adopt conditioned patterns of behavior - mindless scrolling on our phones and moving briskly from one part of our schedule to the next. We stop seeing things as clearly as we used to. And we lose track of time. The days become weeks and weeks become months and suddenly when we take a moment to stop and really look in the mirror we are reminded of how tired we are. How bored we are. How we’ve been meaning to get back to this gym or that class and it can leave us feeling guilty or unproductive yet we’ve been ‘so busy’. Does any of that sound familiar?

If it does and you’re already a little stressed and tired from reading about it, go ahead and take a deep breath before reading any further. Go Ahead. Breathe…. OK! Well done! Now here’s the great news. Taking just a few minutes a day to create a little ritual of self-care for yourself can make all the difference in reducing stress, remembering who you are, and what you want your life to be about in the day-to-day. The key is to pick ONE thing ONCE a day that resonates for you, feels the most connected and doesn’t have to cost a thing. The goal isn’t to create more overwhelm but to take a moment to remind yourself how to inject a little more peace and well-being into your life one day (or moment) at a time. So here are 25 ways (options) to show yourself loving self-care that’s totally free.

Pick One


Pick One 〰️

25 ways to gift yourself free self-care

  1. Create or re-define your boundaries

    This one can often be a tough one if you struggle with standing up for yourself when it matters the most or being impeccable with your word, so putting it front and center can make all the difference in how you practice self-love and show people how to treat you. Practice saying ‘no’ when you are presented with something that doesn’t spark joy or isn’t sitting right. For example, if you are invited to attend something, but it brings up hesitation or dread you can say something like, “I need to stay home tonight and rest, but please know that you are very important to me and I am grateful for the invitation.”

  2. Unfollow or mute any social media accounts that aren’t making your heart light up

    This one is pretty self-explanatory, but this is a kind reminder that there is no obligation to be connected to someone or something on a social platform that doesn’t align with your ethos.

  3. Allow yourself the time and space to feel what comes up

    Sometimes in our busy day-to-day, we are faced with an experience that has us feeling some kind of way. And we can end up suppressing or pushing it off. This is a friendly reminder that your feelings are valid. It may make more sense for you to step away for a moment and take any edge out of your immediate reaction, but do feel all the feelings. Sit with them. Honor them. Nurture them and yourself and work out what you need to say or do to help move on from what is causing the pain or discomfort.

  4. Surround your work and personal space with only the items that make you feel great

    While this is a whole study and there are tons of books and documentaries on this topic, it doesn’t have to be overwhelming or cause you more stress. Take one moment a day to look at an item that’s around you and decide what value it is bringing into your life. If you find it isn’t elevating the quality of your life donate it, re-gift it, sell it, throw it out or re-organize.

  5. Step outside

    Literally, stop what you’re doing, go outside and breathe. Breathe in the fresh air. Let your lungs take in as much as they can. Even if it’s only for one minute, allow your nervous system to recalibrate.

  6. Put your bare feet on the earth

    If you have a few extra minutes and it isn’t super cold, take off your shoes and put your feet on the earth - ideally in the grass or on the dirt. Allow nature to support you in returning life force back into your body.

  7. Put your hands in the soil

    Touch a flower, plant a seed, dig your hands in the dirt of your garden. Relish in the sensory experience of seeing and feeling natural life.

  8. Hug a tree

    feel the energy of a mature tree. Appreciate the oxygen it provides for you. Marvel at its cycle of life.

  9. Get sunlight on your bare skin

    Vitamin D is essential for reproducing healthy cells and it can be challenging to get enough vitamin d in your diet. 15 minutes of sunlight on exposed skin without SPF is good for the body and the soul.

  10. Watch sunrise or sunset

    Take in both the benefit and beauty of the morning or evening red light.

  11. Marvel at the night sky

    If the daytime is too busy for taking a moment for yourself, then perhaps before bed or after dinner. Look out for the twinkling of a star or for a new constellation.

  12. Go for a walk

    Move your limbs, take your time, wander aimlessly or even work up a sweat.

  13. Call a friend

    Have someone in your life you’ve been thinking about? Miss hearing their voice? Wondering how they’re doing? Make the call. You’re already paying to use all that data on your phone.

  14. Write a letter

    A love letter to yourself or to a loved one. Remind them of the love you have in your heart for them. Ask them for forgiveness. Or forgive. If you don’t have the paper, envelopes, or stamps laying around, write an email or send a paperless post.

  15. Take a bath or steam

    Water is nurturing and nourishing. Grab candles, crystals, Epsom salt, or whatever things you love to be surrounded by and submerge. If you have a gym membership and your gym has a steam room or sauna, sometimes going just for that is all you need.

  16. Stretch your body - or do a little restorative yoga

    Release stagnation and improve agility. The body holds on to repressed emotions. Let your body be free.

  17. Take a nap

    Even if it’s only for 15 minutes. Give your body and brain a rest.

  18. Clean up a space you enjoy being in - or have been avoiding.

    De-cluttering is one thing, but a deep clean can go a long way toward appreciating what you have and being able to really enjoy where you are.

  19. Consciously re-gift

    Have a blouse or bag you remember a friend constantly complimenting, but you just don’t wear it that much anymore? Well, there you go. Let the joy soar.

  20. Listen to music

    And not just have it on in the background. Really listen to the lyrics or put on some instrumental music that doesn’t have to influence your thought choices. Let the magic of the art move you.

  21. Dance by yourself

    Give yourself permission to play - especially like no one is watching. Get the endorphins flowing.

  22. Meditate

    Whether you have 60 seconds or 60 minutes or you’re in the bathroom or on your meditation pillow, taking the time to clear the thoughts and noise will give you some peace. No pressure. It’s all a process.

  23. Create a gratitude list

    Can you challenge yourself to sit and write out at least 10 things you have in your life to be grateful for? See if you can focus on solutions in your life and not the problems.

  24. Journal

    Even if you don’t have an actual journal you surely have a piece of paper around and if worse comes to worst you can use a notes app on your cell phone. Whether it's a stream-of-consciousness, mind dump or you want to get something off your chest that’s recently happened - let it rip. If you need more ideas you can research creative writing prompts online or even refer to something like Allswells card deck. If you don’t have a lot of time set a timer. It doesn’t have to be effortful and there doesn’t need to be any rules to it.

  25. Perform a random act of kindness give a compliment, hold the door open, ask someone how their day is going, make eye contact, or carry groceries. Whatever opportunity is presenting itself, let your heart and soul fill up with the joy of seeing someone else’s joy. It is cool to be kind.


Lover of travel, dogs, photography, dancing, the unusual, and brilliant conversation.


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