It’s More Than Just a Colorful Bottle; 10 Reasons why Aura-Soma® is Key for Your Self-Care Ritual

Are you looking to feel more connected to yourself, self-aware, empowered to be more of what and who you are?  Do you want to feel more grounded, balanced, calm, or happy? Is there something within you that you want to better understand or heal? These effects are just a few of the benefits that can result from the innovative approach to soul therapy; Aura-Soma.

Created in 1983 by founder, Vicky Wall, this powerful color system is derived from essential oils, plant extracts, and energies and extracts of crystals and stones and lives within bottles of gorgeous dual-colored liquids. The energetic properties in all of the liquid formulas interact with an individual’s aura to help support equilibrium in the body, mind, and spirit, as described in Vicky’s autobiography, Aura-Soma: Self-Discovery through Color.

I was first introduced to this incredibly unique and dynamic system in 2012 through a veteran Aura-Soma practitioner and teacher, Victoria Silks in Santa Fe, New Mexico.  The process of the consultation was like a hug, alignment, enlivening awakening, and mini holiday all wrapped into one. If you are someone who is drawn to color, you will be mesmerized by the combinations of Equilibrium bottles lined up on the shelves before you.  If you are someone who is sensitive to energy, standing in the presence of the bottles you will immediately start to understand the power of this technology.  The experience of witnessing the bottles was equally as magical as the individual process Victoria walked me through in helping me understand what I was being drawn to and why.  There is so much power in color and the one of a kind approach to unpacking and understanding your color choices.  I have found so much support from both the discussions and uncovering in the sessions as I have in the use of the system. Color changes everything.

For years, I’ve been meaning to share my experiences with Aura-Soma to my community around the world; as I have traveled with and leveraged the benefits of Aura-Soma everywhere I’ve stepped foot around the globe, but it was witnessing the challenges individuals across the planet were facing during the quarantine of COVID-19 that inspired me to finally share the beauty and gifts of this system, in hopes that it too can help individuals find some peace and healing through its use.  

After my annual consultation with Victoria last month, I decided to ask her to share her insights and wisdom about her 25-year experience with Aura-Soma and shed some light on the power of this system. Here’s what Victoria shared:

1. What is it specifically about Aura-Soma that drew you to this modality?

Easy for me to answer, being a visual learner and artist. It was seeing the colors of the equilibrium bottles in person. Once I saw the collection of 118 combinations shining in front of me, I had to know more.  It was 1995 at an outdoor health fair in Oregon.

2. What about Aura-Soma - that may not be described on the website - do you want people to deeply understand about it?

Each person’s experience with Aura-Soma, be it in a consultation session, a class, using the products, or a visit to the home of Aura-soma in Tetford, England is very personal and individual. Words seem like a superficial way to “get it“. When you experience the difference in yourself or a friend and you feel how they have shifted something in their life from negative to positive, that is something that can not really be captured on the website. Though they have tried. For me not only has it been the shifts in my life toward my truer self, but the experience of meeting people from all over the world working with color during my 25 years with Aura-Soma. 

3. What can someone expect to experience in her first Aura-Soma session?

Vicky Wall, the founder of Aura-Soma always said, “You are the colors you choose, and these reflect your being’s need. Bring forth the unconscious voice of your Soul.” That says it all really, though, of course, there is a suggested format to choose 4 bottles. It is important to know that a session is NOT a reading. The practitioner is not the authority. You and your voice are. A good practitioner asks questions that will stimulate your inner voice to be heard.  Yes, a good practitioner will know the colors and their language, their name, and some of the associations, but he/she will not impose an idea of what is best for you.   Recommendations can be made but the client will choose which products if any they want to use.   My session is two hours long.  Most clients do go home with an Equilibrium bottle, a pomander, and perhaps a quintessence, but some chose nothing. They know best.

4.  Where are the names for the system, bottles, etc. derived from?

It is my understanding that the founder of Aura-Soma, Vicky Wall (who passed away in 1991, the year before I met Aura-Soma) realized early on that of course everyone did not have her clairvoyant abilities to understand the energies of the colors.  So, at some point (which I don’t know exactly)  she decided to number and name the combinations to give them an image people could START with. These names came to her during her meditations. Some were her own, some are related to Mythology, some to ancient wisdom systems, some such as the Ascended Master sequence came from Theosophy (which she had no previous knowledge of )  and others came from Rudolf Steiner’s work. The names are but suggestions and references to stimulate deeper exploration. They are not absolute.

5.  How long after beginning the use of their products can someone expect to feel progress or results?

Well, this is very individual as well. Aura-Soma makes no physical claims. It is not an allopathic system. It isn’t a “take this and expect this result”. It is more homeopathic.  With the Pomanders, Quintessences, and Archangeloi which have more of an aromatherapy aspect to them because of the scent, the effects can be almost instant. These tend to last 3-5 hours and can be used many times during the day.  The use of the equilibrium bottles is more subtle and depending upon how often it is used and with what intention …(Intention is everything) results show up in many different ways and for different amounts of time. Some people take a week to go through a bottle, others take 6 months. Some find a peaceful feeling, others get mental clarity, others feel an emotional change, and others are inspired spiritually. Aura-Soma works on all the layers of our energetic field. 

6.  How do the products of Aura-Soma work with/in the body?

The oil/water combo with its essential oils, the energies (tinctures) of crystals, and the color and light work thru the skin to the lymph system repercuss on the endocrine system which affects the parts of us that need it.  How does aspirin know where to go in the body? Or how does a good muscle cream work? 

7. How are these products to be used?

Vicky Wall developed what we call the 5 Pillars of Aura-Soma, each for a different part of our energy field (our Aura). Depending on what color choices we make in a consultation, the practitioner will recommend one or more of the 5 pillars.  They will be given specific instructions on use. 

1. Equilibrium - Use on the body.  This is not to be shared with anyone. 

2. Pomander - For use in the electromagnetic field just outside the body. This can be shared 

3. Colour Essences - Use for the etheric field which harmonizes all the fields. This can be shared 

4. Quintessences - Used for lower and higher astral.  This can be shared 

5. Archangeloi - Used for higher astral.  This can be shared 

8.  How frequently should someone have an Aura-Soma consultation?

Purely a client choice, though many feel every 4-6 months is quite supportive.

9. How long has Aura-Soma existed?

Aura-Soma came into being in 1983, though Vicky Wall’s meditations. It is a wonderful story one can read in her autobiography. She was a surgical podiatrist. She passed in 1991 and the system was passed on to Mike and Claudia Booth. Mike is the current director of the Aura-Soma Academy. 

 10. Where are the ingredients for Aura-Soma derived from?  Are they organic, natural products?

As much as possible they are grown on Aura-Soma’s 500-acre biodynamic farm “Shire Farm“ in England, not far from the Academy in Tetford;  others like the crystal tinctures come from the company in Switzerland, and some ingredients are organic, not biodynamic. There is a lovely section on the Aura-Soma website about the ingredients.

PS. Interestingly enough the most chosen color in Aura-Soma over the years has been Orange —> shifting trauma to bliss.

If you are interested in experiencing this unique and gorgeous system firsthand, you are welcome to connect with Victoria directly via her email or website:   and

She is presently based in Barra de Navidad, Mexico, but is able to consult with you via one of the many digital ways we connect nowadays.

I hope you find as much nourishment and support in Aura-Soma as I have.  Enjoy and please let me know how it goes!


Lover of travel, dogs, photography, dancing, the unusual, and brilliant conversation.

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